Meet Carl

Hello! Nice to meet you, neighbor. I’m Carl.

I’m running for the Town Board Chairperson seat in the 2023 local election and here’s a little bit about how I got to this point.


Carl and Julie

I was born in Chicago and grew up there and in the Chicago suburbs... but I got to Wisconsin as soon as I could! My wife Julie and I have lived in the Town of Oregon since 2002 in the Ravenoaks neighborhood. I’ve been in Dane County since 1991. Our children are scattered to Madison, New Glarus, Chicago, New York City, and Boston.

Oregon has been a great place to raise kids, work, and live among people who care about the environment, their communities, strong schools, a high quality of life, human rights, and the common good.

Professional Experience

My work background is in finance, banking, marketing, and technology. I have a bachelor's degree from Northern Illinois University with a major in finance and a minor in art history. I worked for a combined twenty plus years at two of Madison’s biggest credit unions in management positions that involved staff, budget, and project responsibility. My experience in these areas would well serve our Town Board and the residents that the Board represents.

My current job is with a technology company that builds enterprise-level custom websites for credit unions and community banks. I’ve been the Marketing Director there since 2015.

Community Involvement

Carl Walser
  • Town Board Supervisor since 2022

  • Town of Oregon / Dane County Emergency Management — Town committee team leader for the Natural Hazard Mitigation Plan project

  • Town of Oregon / Emergency Management — member of the COVID-19 Policy development team

  • United Way of Dane County — volunteer and donor

  • Second Harvest Food Bank — volunteer and donor

  • MSCR — tee-ball, basketball, and softball coach

  • UW Extension Master Gardener — volunteer

  • Dane County — Adopt-a-Highway volunteer

Why Am I Running?

Over the past year on the Board, it’s become more apparent that the Town must begin an intense phase of planning. Those plans must cover longer time periods than have previously been considered. Planning for the near future is a given, but we should have plans that reach out 5, 10, 15 years.

Our lack of long-term plans has hurt us over the past years — especially in the areas of road maintenance, facilities and equipment upkeep, parks development, staff development and empowerment, new home construction, annexation mitigation, budgeting, and resident-powered vision planning.

I’m running because instead of me just thinking “Somebody should do something” and leaving it at that, I believe I can leverage my experience and background to help move the Board in a better direction that will help the Town. There’s one catch: I and the Board will need help from all residents — not just during this election, but beyond... into our future together in the Town of Oregon.